Saturday, November 30, 2019

Lcci Exams free essay sample

EDI accepts that candidates may offer other answers that could be equally valid. Â © Education Development International plc 2009 All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the Publisher. The book may not be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise disposed of by way of trade in any form of binding or cover, other than that in which it is published, without the prior consent of the Publisher. Â  Nice-Food a manufacturer of dairy products in your country has recently been fined $1 million dollars for failing to meet hygiene regulations. The company is to invest $10 million in new machinery and equipment to comply with industry standards and training staff in all hygiene regulations. Write a news release, in a maximum of 150 words, announcing this information to the media. We will write a custom essay sample on Lcci Exams or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page (You may invent any additional details but they must be relevant to the subject of the question) (Marks are awarded for the content, style and layout of the news release) (Total 20 marks)

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

3 Prominent Themes Found in William Shakespeares Othello

3 Prominent Themes Found in William Shakespeares Othello In Shakespeares Othello, themes are essential to the working of the play. The text is a rich tapestry of plot, character, poetry, and theme – elements which come together to form one of the Bards most engaging tragedies. Othello  Theme 1: Race Shakespeare’s Othello is a Moor, a black man - indeed, one of the first black heroes in English literature. The play deals with interracial marriage. Others have a problem with it, but Othello and Desdemona are happily in love. Othello holds an important position of power and influence. He has been accepted into Venetian society based on his bravery as a soldier. Iago uses Othello’s race to ridicule and belittle him, at one point calling him â€Å"thick lips†. Othello’s insecurities surrounding his race ultimately lead to his belief that Desdemona is having an affair. As a black man, he doesn’t feel he is worthy of his wife’s attention or that he has been embraced by Venetian society. Indeed, Brabanzio is unhappy about his daughter’s choice of suitor, due to his race. He is quite happy to have Othello regale stories of bravery to him but when it comes to his daughter, Othello is not good enough. Brabanzio is convinced that Othello has used trickery to get Desdemona to marry him: â€Å"O thou damned thief, where hast thou stowed my daughter? Damned as thou art, thou hast enchanted her, For I’ll refer me to all things of sense, If she in chains of magic were not bound, Whether a maid so tender, fair, and happy, So opposite to marriage that she shunned The wealthy curled darlings of our nation, Would ever have t’incur a general mock, Run from her guardage to the sooty bosom Of such a thing as thou†Brabanzio: Act 1 Scene 3. Othello’s race is an issue for Iago and Brabanzio but, as an audience, we are rooting for Othello, Shakespeare’s celebration of Othello as a black man is ahead of its time, the play encourages the audience to side with him and take against the white man who is mocking him just because of his race. Othello Theme 2: Jealousy The story of Othello is propelled by feelings of intense jealousy. All of the action and consequences that unfold are the result of jealousy. Iago is jealous of Cassio’s appointment as lieutenant over him, he also believes that Othello has had an affair with Emilia, his wife, and harbors plans for revenge on him as a result. Iago also appears to be envious of Othello’s standing in Venetian society; despite his race, he has been celebrated and accepted in society. Desdemona’s acceptance of Othello as a worthy husband demonstrates this and this acceptance is due to Othello’s valor as a soldier, Iago is envious of Othello’s position. Roderigo is jealous of Othello because he is in love with Desdemona. Roderigo is essential to the plot, his actions act as a catalyst in the narrative. It is Roderigo who goads Cassio into the fight which loses him his job, Roderigo attempts to kill Cassio so that Desdemona stays in Cyprus and eventually Roderigo exposes Iago. Iago convinces Othello, erroneously, that Desdemona is having an affair with Cassio. Othello reluctantly believes Iago but is finally convinced of his wife’s betrayal. So much so that he kills her. Jealousy leads to Othello’s degradation and ultimate downfall. Othello Theme 3: Duplicity â€Å"Certain, men should be what they seem†Othello: Act 3, Scene 3 Unfortunately for Othello, the man who he trusts in the play, Iago, is not what he seems he is scheming, duplicitous and has a deep malevolent loathing for his master. Othello is made to believe that Cassio and Desdemona are the duplicitous ones. This mistake of judgment leads to his downfall. Othello is prepared to believe Iago over his own wife because of his faith in his servant’s honesty; â€Å"This fellow’s of exceeding honesty† (Othello, Act 3 Scene 3). He doesn’t see any reason why Iago might double cross him. Iago’s treatment of Roderigo is also duplicitous, treating him as a friend or at least a comrade with a common goal, only to kill him in order to cover up his own guilt. Fortunately, Roderigo was savvier to Iago’s duplicity than he knew, hence the letters exposing him. Emilia could be accused of duplicity in exposing her own husband. However, this endears her to the audience and demonstrates her honesty in that she has discovered her husband’s wrongdoings and is so outraged that she exposes him.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Do physical exercises with satisfaction

Do physical exercises with satisfaction 15 Exercises which will help every student stay healthy A lot of students just forget about their physical health, doing their regular reading and essays writing. It can influence your academic performance in a bad way. Sometimes, it is very important to put all your things away and just exercise to feel better and healthier. There are a lot of useful exercises, which are very easy for you to do in order to stay energetic. And you even shouldn`t have any special equipment to do the following exercises. Supine Pelvic Tilts This is the advanced crunch, which aims at the whole core region. Lie on your back with your knees bent. Your arms should be out to your sides and palms should be faced up.   Exhale and press your low back into the floor, using your abdominal muscles. Hold this position for some time. Inhale and create the arch in your low back. Don`t lift your hips. Return to your starting position after holding this position briefly. Side Plank with Bent Knee Lie on your right side with your legs stacked one upon the other and your knees bent. The right elbow should be bent under your shoulder. Raise your torso, engaging your abdominal muscles. Return to your starting position. Repeat this exercise on the other side. Side Lying Hip Adduction Lie on your side on a mat with your feet stacked in neutral position and with your legs lengthened straight away from your body. Your shoulders and hips should be aligned vertically to the floor. Place your upper arm on your upper hip and your lower arm under your head for support. Bring your lower leg forward until it lies in front of your upper leg. Exhale and raise your lower leg off the floor. Don`t raise the leg too high. Don`t allow the hips to roll back and forward. Raise the leg until you feel tension develop in your low back or your hips begin to tilt. Inhale and return to your starting position. Repeat such moves with the opposite leg. Squat Jumps Stand with your arms by your sides and your feet hip-width apart. Shift your hips back and down. Lower yourself until your heels about to lift off the floor. Keep your head directly facing forward. Make some jumping movements. Land quietly and softly on the mid-foot. Your head should be aligned with your spine. Keep your core muscles engaged in order to protect your spine. Contralateral Limb Raises This exercise is excellent for your troubling upper body areas. Lie on your stomach with your legs outstretched behind you. Your arms should be out overhead with the palms facing each other. Exhale and float one arm a few inches off the floor. Hold such position for some time. Inhale and return to your starting position. Don`t make any moves in your hips or low back. Supermans Lie on your stomach with your legs outstretched behind you. Your arms should be out overhead with the palms facing each other. Reach both your legs away from torso and float both arms until they lift a few inches off the floor. Your head should to be aligned with your spine. Inhale and return to your starting position. Don`t make any moves in your hips or low back. Glute Bridge This is an excellent entry exercise to the power of controlled and slow movements. Lie on your back in a bent-knee position. Your feet should be flat on the floor. Put your feet hip-width apart. Lift your hips up off the floor. Your abdominals should be engaged. Inhale and lower yourself back to the starting position. Side Lunge Stand with your feet parallel, hip-width apart. Keep your head over your shoulder. Your hands should be in the comfortable position. Shift your weight onto your heels. Inhale, step to the right and shift your weight toward the right foot. Exhale and push off with your right side in order to return to the starting position. Repeat the same movement for the opposite side. Standing Calf Raises – Wall It is a great area to improve your shins. Stand near the wall with your toes facing forward and feet hip-width apart. Place your hands on the wall in order to support your balance. Rise up to your toes and hold such position for some time. Inhale and lower your heels back to the floor. Side Plank with Straight Leg It is very important not to forget to breathe on this exercise. Lie on your right side with your left leg stacked on top of the right. Your right elbow should be positioned under your shoulder.   Lift your knees and hips off the floor. Your abdominals should be engaged in order to brace your spine. Return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise on the other side. Cobra This exercise will help you to get ready for your busy day. Lie on your stomach with your hands positioned under your shoulders. Your legs should be straight. Press your hips into the floor. Curl the chest away from the floor and lengthen the torso. Keep your shoulders rolling down and back. Lower your upper body beck to the floor. You should stop the exercise immediately if you feel the pain in the low back. Downward – facing Dog The controlled and slow movement is very important for this exercise. Come to an all-fours position on the floor.   Your hands should be under your shoulders. Engage your abdominals to support the spine. Rise up your hips. Press your heels toward the floor. Don`t lift your head.   Reach the heels toward the floor. Inhale and return your body to the starting position. Front Plank Lie on the stomach and put the elbows close to your sides. Flex the ankles and straighten your legs. Lift your thighs and torso off the floor. Keep your abdominal muscles strong. Don`t forget to breathe. Hold such position for at least 5 seconds. Lower your body back towards the floor in order to return to the starting position. Push-up This is the good old exercise. Come to a knees and hands position. Your hands should be under the shoulders. Bring yourself to the plank position. Keep the abdominals engaged. Bend the elbows, lowering your body toward the floor. Don`t allow your chin and chest to touch the floor. Press upward through your arms and straighten the elbows. Forward Lunge with Arm Drivers   This advanced exercise hits some core areas. Stand with your arms raised in front to shoulder height, feet together, and arms raised. Lift one foot off the floor, balancing on the standing leg. Hold this position for some time, before making a step forward. Then, shift your body weight to the front foot. Lower your body your front thigh becomes parallel with the floor. Your hands should reach to the point below your front knee. Keep your elbows straight and back flat. In order to return to your starting position, push off with your front leg.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

German Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6

German Question - Essay Example Though most Germans were not for the idea of democracy as they did not view it as the best option for a government, they were also not proud of their country in general. The first state in German was called The First Reich which declined in the 1300’s into a loose confederation of principalities. Between the year 1618 and 1648, the Protestant and Catholic fought due to the division of local rulers which led to the decline of the political culture but unity was restored when a monarchy came to power. The Kingdom of Prussia and the Prussian aristocracy also known as the Junkers served to unify the political leadership and was known for its organization and military discipline. In 1871, the Second Reich was created under the rule of Wilhelm I, the Prussian King, who then became the emperor and he devised new ways to ensure political stability and economic growth. These included sponsoring the rise of German corporation and industrial class and supporting monopoly arrangements to ensure the increase in investments and profit while on the other side imposing high tariffs on imported grains. It also became a military and economic power globally by the end of the 19th century and Bismarck pushed its social stability further by creating a welfare state and this resulted to growth in Germans’ pride in their country grew to an extent of being called arrogance.1A difference in religious and regional views emerged and the Christian Democrats and Liberal parties started a push for representative democracy and laissez-faire. Even though there was cooptation by the welfare state, the working class was a bitter lot since no unions were allowed and it was excluded from power.2 The newfound sense of superiority saw the country go into an arms race with other countries like Britain, France, and the US thus leading to a seemingly more powerful Germany which led to tension between Europe and the U.S thereby sparking the world war one. Germany’s aspiration to be the normal country is not a smooth process, as in many ways it will hardly be one due to its past. This is because it is not easy for people to forget Holocaust when the Germans did the unforgettable and cruel act to the Jews.3 A sensitive relationship between Europe and U.S and specifically between Germany and the U.S grew after the WW1 and its one of the factors that affect how the two agree on matters such as the war against terrorism. The tactic that the U.S decided to employ to fight against terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan was not accepted by Germany who advocated for more peaceful means than an all waged out war. Although Europe as a whole supports the fight against terrorism and they are in the somewhat good relationship with the U.S, Europeans seemingly with the U.S policies for their own safety. From an outsider’s perspective, it may seem as though they are allies but their ties seemed weak at Munich 2004 when former secretary of defense William Cohen questioned w hy Germany did not refuse to send their troops to Iraq to help in the struggle if they thought that it is important for Iraq to be peaceful so as to ensure the security of the America and Europe. Germany instead took their troops to Bosnia and Kosovo and Afghanistan, where they serve in the NATO-commanded international force and stated that they are making their contribution to the European security elsewhere.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Engineering Design Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Engineering Design Practice - Essay Example 1) As per the requirements of the Approved Document B it is must for the architect to plan and design a structure in a manner that it should comprises of ample necessities like early conflagration caution apparatuses and proper, secure and efficient evacuation passages. 2) To control the intensification of inferno in the interior of a structure it is necessary to utilize the material that can bear and defy the blazes distribution over it and in case it catches fire, there should be a sluggish rate of temperature release, reasonable as per situation 3) The indoors are ought to be constructed in a way that in case of fire it is supposed to be steady for the utmost period and it must defend against the fire dispersion among two buildings with an tolerable system for the smoke discharge 4) The outside walls and roof of construction must defend against the fire to reach over from a construction to any more having stared to operation, height and pose. The blueprint of structure must be well architected to ease fire-fighters in shielding lives A performance oriented process for structural inferno design is akin to the modus operandi of devious structures to wind masses and seismic effects. The role of a structural component will be definite and a set of objective tests will be prearranged that allocates the assessment of fire recital in relation to the key practical decisive factor on the other hand, Prescriptive method characterizes a structural conflagration design moderately accurate in requisites of the resources involved, contour and extent of structural rudiments, depth of fire safety materials and construction detail etc. The design proposals are mostly based on the practice with matching or analogous standard inferno tests. It is necessary to carry out more than one test for a specific perimeter in array to verify the results obtained from the previous test as in earlier investigations by experts it is revealed

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Gun Control Essay Example for Free

Gun Control Essay Abstract Some reasons why colleges should look at the laws that they put in place and try to change them. Students should have the right to conceal weapons on college campuses. The guns provide the protection that may be necessary in certain situations. Like the Virginia Tech Shooting, many people could have been saved if only one person had a gun. Having a gun gives a sense of safety to many people on the campus, especially for women with a greater risk of intruders and rapists. For these women, knowing that they have a way to defend themselves can set their minds to ease. Though some believe that the allowance of guns would increase violence on campus, no other college that has allowed concealed firearms has had an issue. Another concerning issue would be that having guns on campus would be easier for students to commit suicide; there are just some things in life that authorities cannot control, and that is one of them. The right to have a concealed weapon on campus should be conveyed freely. Position Paper Legalize Concealed Weapons on College Campuses Liberty senior, Craig Storrs, says, â€Å"It makes me feel secure knowing I would be able to defend myself if something does happen, like Virginia Tech or if I get stopped on the street for a mugging or something like that† (Barry, 2011). The topic of legalizing concealed weapons on college campuses has been argued for many years. Some colleges have legalized concealed weapons on campus and have not had problems, but many will not even think about legalizing concealed weapons. Carrying a concealed weapon at the age of 21 is a right including a college campus, because it offers protection and safety to students (Students for concealed, 2008). Background of Concealed Weapons on College Campuses Since the Virginia Tech shooting, many colleges have changed their on-campus laws concerning firearms. In eight states, the legislation is considering if students and staff would be able to carry a concealed weapon into college buildings. Many officials did not want to have another repeat the Virginia Tech shooting. Two years before the Virginia Tech shooting, the lawmakers of Texas rejected a bill to allow concealed weapons onto college campuses. Since then, the bill has come back with better arguments for the right to have a concealed weapon on college campuses. Corey Zipper, a twenty-one year-old psychology major, went to the state capitol to talk to the officials to pass the bill. Corey Zipper stated, â€Å"We get the mature thing a lot – that college students aren’t mature enough. And the alcohol thing – that we’re all just boozed up all the time† (Burnett, 2011). He also states that the law states that â€Å"a person much be 21 years old, have a clean record and no psychiatric disorders, and take a 10-hour instruction course that includes time at a firing range† (Burnett, 2011). In 2009 Texas passed the bill to legalize having a concealed weapon on college campus (Burnett, 2011). It Gives Protection Allowing students to carry a gun could save their lives. Life can be unpredictable, so when something happens people should be prepared. If by being prepared means they need to carry a gun, then why would the state want to take that right from someone? A person has the right to protect his/herself and others, and a responsible firearm owner would do such. Many lives could be saved by the simple action of allowing concealed weapons on college campuses (Concealed Guns, 2011). Background of Virginia Tech Shooting On April 16, 2007, Seung-Hui Cho, student at Virginia Tech, began his shooting around 7:15 A.M. in a co-ed dormitory. He first killed Emily Hilsher and Ryan Clark. The Virginia Tech Police Chief said, â€Å"We secured the building, we secured the crime scene† (Caruso, n.d.). The authorities did not put the college on lock down and had classes as schedualed. Seung-Hui Cho did not leave the campus; around 9:15 A.M. he started to kill again. He went into the engineering and science building and chained the doors so no one could escape. He then went into classroom after classroom; he killed 25 more students and five faculty members. Twenty-nine people were wounded. In the end Cho also took his life (Caruso, n.d.). It was reported that nineteen of the thirty-two victims that were killed were over the age of 21. The age of 21 is the legal age for the right to conceal a weapon in Virginia. If these students would have been able to carry a firearm onto campus, then perhaps these lives could have been saved. Instead of thirty-three lives taken that day, there should have been one. Innocent people would not have died (Students for concealed, 2008). Concealed Weapons Should not Depend on Location It is stated in the Constitution that a person has the right to bear arms at the age of 21. This law does not give specific places that are prohibited. People should not have to put their concealed weapon away because of where they are (The Right to Keep and Bear Arms, 1982). Public Places People can Carry Weapons Though colleges are small, some places that allow concealed weapons are smaller. When a person goes to the movies, they are allowed to carry a concealed weapon. No one would ever know because the weapon is concealed. Other places would include a shopping mall. When people are shopping, the last thing they are thinking is that the people next to them might have a gun on them (Students for concealed, 2008). Make College Students Feel Safer The right to conceal a weapon could put some students at ease. Knowing that they have a way to save themselves in dangerous situations may make the students more relaxed. If a student comes across a dangerous situation, then they are prepared. These students do not have to worry about what to do (Marin, 2012). College Intruders and Rapists It is easy for intruders to get into dorms. In New York, two men got into a building by sneaking in behind another guy after he swiped his card. When the college police were called they came and took the men without calling the cops. If this were to happen again, these men would be taken to the authorities. Knowing that it is easy for strange people to get into housing, it not be a good idea to rob students the right to have a concealed weapon. This would give some students that okay to live life and other the need of protection that they might not be able to find anywhere else (Rearick, 2011). One in four women have the chance of being raped in college. Guns could help defend so many different women. They could have gotten out of the situation if they just had a way of defense. Sometimes women are physically too weak to run from situations like that and the allowance of a gun would provide that opportunity to them (College Crime Today, n.d.). Counterargument: Guns on Campus Would Promote Violence . â€Å"Some professors might be afraid to issue bad grades if they know that students could be carrying guns† (Students for concealed, 2008). Some people believe that allowing student to carry firearms would push them to be violent. If the students are allowed to carry firearms, then they will not be afraid to use them. If there was an argument with another student, then these students would be tempted to use the gun to scare or even harm the other student (Students for concealed, 2008). Logical Response: Guns on Campus Would not Promote Violence There has been over thirty colleges campuses that have allowed concealed weapons on their campuses. These campuses have had no issues with gun violence, and there has not been a gun theft or accident in all these years. This shows that it is a possibility to carry conceal weapons and still get a great education with no distraction with no violence. Studies show, â€Å"concealed handgun license holders are five times less likely than non-license holders to commit violent crimes† (Students for concealed, 2008). Counterargument: Guns on Campus Would Encourage Suicide Some believe that allowing students to obtain firearms would increase the likelihood suicide. They would have all the resources they need now that they are able to carry concealed firearms. This would make it easier for these students to commit suicide without anyone knowing until after the fact. This would then increase the suicide numbers dramatically. Allowing a student to carry a firearm that could potentially use to kill themselves is not the way to help (Students for concealed, 2008). Logical Response: Guns on Campus Would not Encourage Suicide According to detectives, â€Å"Studies show that 90% of suicides are committed in the home† (Students for concealed, 2008). Since the legal age to own a concealed weapon is 21, most students at this age live off campus. This would not affect the numbers as much as the colleges think it would. If people really wanted to commit suicide, then nothing would stand in their way. Allowing them to conceal a gun will just give them an easier way out (Students for concealed, 2008). Conclusion During the Virginia Tech Shooting many lives could have been saved. Students could also feel safer knowing that they have something there to protect themselves and others if needed. Though students could turn to violence many are very responsible to be carrying this gun in the first place. They just cannot get a gun; they have to go through the process. Another concern would be suicide, but since most of the students live off campus anyway nothing would stop that. It would be a lost cause to put a ban on concealed weapons when there is nothing to prevent suicide in the first place. Once the right training classes are taken, it should not be a problem for a person to be able to carry his/her gun that he/she worked hard to get and paid for. The right to have a concealed weapon on campus should be expressed freely. References Barry, L. (2011). Liberty university oks concealed guns on campus. Retrieved from Burnett, J. (2011). Texas Lawmakers aim for guns on college campuses. Retreieved from Caruso, K. (n.d.). What Happened: The Virginia Tech Massacure. Retrieved from College Crime Today. (n.d.) Retrieved from Concealed guns. (2011). Retrieved from Frantz, A. (2011). Texas considering concealed handguns on campus. Retrieved from Marin, J. (2012). Guns on college campuses. Retrieved from -campuses/. Rearick, J. (2011). Intruders spark safety concerns. Retrieved from Students for concealed carry on campus. (2008). Retrieved

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Jack Welch Essay example -- GCSE Business Marketing Coursework

Jack Welch - Leadership Secret 1- Harness the Power of Change It is important in today’s changing economy that business leaders are not afraid to make necessary changes to succeed. When Jack Welch became CEO of General Electric in 1981, it was a lethargic business, satisfied with its output and entangled in bureaucracy. He understood the competition that overseas markets presented and the need for a new global strategic plan. He was able to envision the true potential of his resources and implemented drastic changes such as the Stretch, Work-Out, and Number One, Number Two business concepts (which will be discussed later) to achieve his goals. - Leadership Secret 2- Face Reality This is the most important rule in Jack Welch’s business strategy. Too many business leaders become comfortable with their performance and refuse to see the need for change. A business leader must understand the importance of accurately defining their company’s current position if they are planning on making successful changes. And once problem areas are discovered, managers must act immediately to correct them. When Welch took over at GE, he quickly addressed the common practice of sugar coating financial paperwork that only left a false since of security and insisted that every business unit in the GE empire must be the number one or number two competitor in its respective marketplaces or it would be fix, close, or sold. - Leadership Secret 3- Managing Less is Managing Better Managers need to provide the vision for their employees and instill confidence. Too many times, employees are held back by not having the power to make even the simplest of decisions without approval. Managers should empower their employees and trust that they are giving their total effort. This will give managers more time to work on plans to achieve the long-term goals of the company. - Leadership Secret 4- Create a Vision, Then Get Out of the Way â€Å"People always overestimate how complex business is. This isn’t rocket science. We’ve chosen one of the world’s most simple professions.† In Jack Welch’s words, business is simple. A leader needs to supply his employees with the information, the resources, the vision, and the atmosphere to succeed and reward them when they do. Welch does not concern himself with the details of GE’s many business units; he only needs to ma... more attention to the services side of an industry. The growth rates for product services increases more rapidly than that of product productions, so there is great incentive to direct your primary resources to provide service after the sale. - Leadership Secret 27, 28, 29- Turn Your Business into an e-Company The Internet is the future of business. Bring your company up-to-date and provide customers, not only with product descriptions and information, but with a way to shop, communicate and interact with your company via the web. The Internet also provides less chance for human error in the ordering process because fewer individuals have to handle information. And, most importantly, the Internet speeds up operations, whether it is use for sending information to employees or receiving custom orders from customers. - Conclusion Jack Welch has definitely revolutionized the business approach. He has proven, over the years, that his techniques and concepts are extremely effective and that business leaders, worldwide, should heed his advice. This book provides a small glance into the methods and methodology of, arguably, one of the greatest managers of our time.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Affirmative Action is Reverse Discrimination Essay

Racial discrimination has long been an issue especially in the United States which is considered as a melting pot of different people from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Black people have experienced extreme even radical form of discrimination for centuries, but now, the black people found an ally in the affirmative action policy. This policy, after some time of implementation sparked debate since some people, even the blacks themselves, say that giving racial preferences is never a good thing. The policy has affected admission aspects in schools and employment in jobs. Two job applicants, a white male and a black male, even with the same qualifications, the black male will likely get the job because of racial preference provided by affirmative action. Black people are being given a definite advantage and white people would find this an unfair treatment. The same goes for school admission policies where minorities are being given a higher preference over white people in order to maintain a diverse student body. Thesis Affirmative action laws were made to eliminate or reduce discriminatory acts but there are numerous claims that these laws have reversed the tide. Affirmative actions laws may no longer be considered fair in this current setting since it only results in reverse discrimination and it is no longer an effective means of providing opportunities for minority groups. This reverse discrimination is constituted by racial preferences for blacks. This racial preference clouds the judgment of many educational institutions and employers since racial background is being analyzed instead of just the plain qualifications which some white people might find inappropriate. Affirmative action was envisioned to put an end to racial discrimination especially against black people. Under this policy, black people were given higher preferences in job and in admission policies in universities. This is however not an answer to eliminating discrimination. Instead of giving higher preferences to those people who are being discriminated such as the black people, a better alternative solution to racial discrimination would be to find steps to eliminate discriminatory acts and leveling the field so that all people from different ethnic backgrounds will be presented with equal opportunities. Since the black people are being given higher preferences, this may appear as a form of discrimination against white people. Affirmative action, instead of fulfilling its intention of eliminating discrimination, rather contributes to it. One of the major focuses of the affirmative action debate is its inclusion in university admission policies which show higher preferences for black applicants. Many people have been calling for the ban of the use of affirmative action in the public arena. Voters in California, Washington and Michigan have already submitted amendments to their state constitutions that would prohibit the use of affirmative action in the public setting (Prince & Ryan, 2007). According to actor and columnist Joseph Phillips, affirmative action is not an issue of nondiscrimination, it is now about racial preferences. He emphasized on the point that racial preferences is not an effective way of fighting racism, instead, it brings about negative stereotypes especially in the educational sector wherein it pertains to a person’s intellectual capacity and academic capabilities (Prince & Ryan, 2007). In a Supreme Court ruling in 2003 which involves the University of Michigan which makes use of racial preferences in its admission policies, the court highlighted the goal of having a diverse student body which is brought about by affirmative action but critics say that this decision by the court would only spark more law suits and that the critics of affirmative action would continue to put pressure on the Department of Education to discontinue the use of the policy (Marklein, 2003). Evidences have been presented regarding the effects of affirmative action; however, these evidences always seem imperfect and ambiguous. A review of the policy during the Clinton administration indicated that active federal enforcement of the policy in the 1970s resulted in government contractors moderately increasing the hiring of minority workers. Studies have indicated that there is only a meager increase in the employment of black males. Employment share of black males in contractor firms in 1974 was 5. 8 percent and this figure only increased to 6. 7 percent in 1980. On the other hand, the increase in non-contractor firms was from 5. 3 percent to 5. 9 percent. Also, a substantial number of black government employees got their jobs or promotion to managerial rank because of affirmative action even if qualifications are questionable (Galston). In the education sector, it was only during the height of the affirmative action policy that the enrollment of black people was on a steady rise. From only 4. 9 percent in 1955, black enrollment went up to 7. 8 percent in 1970. The figure further increased to 9. 1 percent in 1980 and 11. 3 percent in 1990. On the other hand, according to a report from the Census Bureau, Hispanics holding bachelor’s degrees or other advanced degrees went up to 9 percent in 1994 from only 5 percent in 1970 while the rate for blacks is 12. 9 percent from 4. 5 percent (Galston). Another issue that rises with affirmative action is that minority groups may gain an image of inferiority since the whites may think that a black student was able to enter the university or a black person is able to get a job only because of affirmative action even if the black person has all the necessary qualifications (Hoffman). Overall, the past 30 years has been fruitful for the black people as they generally lived better lives with better education and income all because of racial preferences. This has resulted into what Seymour Martin Lipset classifies as a â€Å"growing differentiation† within the community of black people from the growing black middle class to the ghetto poor. The affirmative action program would work better if it would remove barriers for those who have the credentials to succeed instead of giving them a definite advantage in admissions. Anti-Thesis Supporters of affirmative action make use of the argument that it is necessary for the people compensate for years of discriminations against blacks. Many black people approve of affirmative action because it provides recompense against the discrimination that they have experienced and endured in the past but not all black people share this kind of insight. Steele said that, theoretically, affirmative action is in moral symmetry with fairness. She described the policy as reformist and corrective as well as repentant and redemptive. The country is trying to make up for its sins and wants to correct it but black people will lose more than what they will gain from the policy (Steele). Some also argue that it is difficult to remove stereotyping and discrimination without the policy and that it is needed to maintain diversity. Another argument states that affirmative action should continue because racism still exists in this society. The argument that affirmative action is needed for the white people to compensate for the discrimination against blacks is shrouded in hatred and appears as a form of retaliation against the white people. However, retaliation will not improve the situation. It might even spark more discrimination against black people if affirmative action policies continue to be implemented and this could lead to more hatred and discrimination against the minority groups. According to Kimberle Crenshaw, a professor of law at the University of California, affirmative actions removes the obstacles so that people from the minority groups can qualify and compete. With affirmative action, blacks, Hispanics and other minority group find it easier to get a job because of racial preferences geared toward these minorities (Prince & Ryan, 2007). Affirmative action exists because there is discrimination, if there is no discriminations, affirmative action would not be needed in this society. The fact that affirmative action exists is because there is still discrimination and it is still needed in the current setting. Those who believe that affirmative action is in conflict with their interest must be made to see what benefits it provides to the society. Racism is still dominant in the United States which is why affirmative action must stay (Noguera, 1996). According to Linda Chavez, founder and president of the Center for Equal Opportunity, the Michigan University case speaks of admission and scholarship programs for minority groups which make use of substantially different standards and must include the racial background. People against the policy said that they will take their case to the ballots but the court has already made it clear that it is the university’s prerogative to include race in the admission policy to ensure the diversity of the student body (Marklein, 2003). The 2003 Supreme Court ruling allowed admission officials to consider race in the selection process. Colleges and universities have no obligation to use racial preferences but they may adopt such policies to meet a satisfactory level of student diversity. Arthur Coleman, a former official under the Department of Education said that adopting diversity is a choice and is not mandated by any law or policy. According to a survey by Public Agenda, 79 percent of Americans agreed that it is important for schools to have a diverse student body while only 54 percent approved of affirmative action programs. In a separate poll conducted by Gallup before the court handed out its ruling, only 49 percent said that they are in favor of affirmative action while 43 percent said that they are not in favor (Marklein, 2003). Synthesis Affirmative action was made to eliminate discrimination but discrimination would not likely be eliminated if the method used to eliminate it is discriminating in itself since it results in a reverse discrimination. Instead of blacks being discriminated, the white people are now the ones being discriminated because of racial preferences given to black people in school admission policies and employment opportunities. Arguing that affirmative action is fair because blacks were once discriminated to a great extent is not valid since it is only driven by hatred towards white people who were discriminating the blacks and other minorities (Steele). Also, continuing affirmative actions only causes white people to hate the blacks because of the racial preferences that they are being handed. White people who believe that they have the qualifications but are turned down while a black person gets in may think that affirmative action gave him a disadvantage and not because the black person is really qualified (Hoffman). Affirmative action will not eliminate racial discrimination but it rather contributes to it. The policy may have its benefits every now and then, but generally, it is no longer applicable in the current setting as more and more white people are feeling the negative effects of the policy. It does remove barriers so that people from minorities can compete but it comes with a price. They gain an image of inferiority because people may think that it is only because of affirmative action that they have reached a certain level of success and not because they are really qualified (Hoffman). The Supreme Court has handed out its decision in the Michigan University case and the decision maintained that the school may use the race as part of the admission policy to maintain the diversity of the student body. Even without affirmative action, colleges can use race as a basis of application to meet a desired rate of student diversity since having a diverse student body promotes a better learning environment (Marklein, 2003). Ultimately, data indicates that affirmative action is no longer effective which means that it is time to adopt an alternative policy (Galston). A better way of embracing diversity would be to encourage minorities from a young age to work for their goals and get a good education. Assisting people from poor socio-economic backgrounds to gain resources and motivation should also be done so that they will also be competent when it comes to school admission and job-seeking. This is a lot better than giving them preferential treatment because they would not be treated as inferiors (Hoffman). Conclusion To conclude, affirmative action may have been an effective way of reducing racial discrimination against minorities, but now, it is no longer applicable to be used in the current setting since it results in reverse discrimination. The white people are now put in a seat that was once held by other minorities. Affirmative action might trigger hate targeted towards the blacks and other minorities because of the reverse discrimination. The policy which gives racial preferences also connects inferiority with minority groups. A better way of eliminating discrimination is by leveling the playing field not by racial preferences but by providing equal opportunities for whites and minority groups. References Prince, Andrew & Ryan, Erica. 21 November 2007. Is it Time to End Affirmative Action?. National Public Radio. Retrieved July 8, 2008 from http://www. npr. org/templates/story/story. php? storyId=16337441 Marklein, Mary Beth. 24 June 2003. Despite ruling, affirmative action debate is far fr

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Analysis of Anselm’s Ontological Argument Essay

This premise does not state that God’s strengths as this argument is to prove his existence, not whether or not God is all-powerful, all-knowing and all-good. The second premise means this greatest possible being is either an imaginary being that one has thought of or, a being that we not only is not only thought of but also exists. The third premise and its sub premises states because existing in reality is greater than existing in thought, then the God we have thought of exists in reality or there must be a greater, or more perfect, being that does exist and that being is God. This leads to the conclusion, if you accept the premises then you accept the existence of the greatest being possible, God. This concept of God’s existence is also led with the idea that God is a necessary being, a being that is not dependent of something greater in order to exist. If God relied on another being, like how a children rely on parents to conceive them, then this being called God is not God because it would be imperfect. Therefore, there must be another to call God that meets all the requirements for perfection. One of the first popular objections was created by Gaunilo of Marmoutiers. The premise and conclusion to Gaunilo’s argument is identical to Anselm’s argument except with the replacement of the word â€Å"God† with â€Å"the Lost island† and the word â€Å"being† with â€Å"island†. As simple as that, though Gaunilo’s argument is completely absurd, Gaunilo’s reductio ad absurdum also proves to be as deductively valid as Anselm’s argument. However, this â€Å"Lost Island† could in no way exist. The absurdity and validity of â€Å"the lost island† quickly brought up questions as to how Anselm’s Argument cannot be absurd. Anselm’s argument was not proven invalid until Immanuel Kant, a german philosopher during the 18th century, proposed an objection that would be the decisive blow to the Ontological argument (Immanuel Kant. Wiki). Kant’s objection is how existence is not a predicate (Mike, screen 25). A predicate is used to describe something the subject (this being God in Anselm’s Argument) is doing. In Aselm’s Argument, Anselm premise rely on that being conceived and existing in reality is something that describes God. This rationality does not follow because to exist or conceive does not describe the subject, it only tells us whether it exist or not. Much like how fictional characters do not exist, describing cartoon for example would tell us details of what this cartoon looks like, what its habits are and common antics it goes through, but not whether it exists or not. The question of existence must fall in a separate argument that does not define the character. As there are Arguments to prove God, there are debatable arguments to disprove the God. The First version of â€Å"The Argument from Evil† goes as follow: 1. If God were to exist, then that being would be all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good. 2. If an all-PKG existed, then there would be no evil. . There is evil. [Conclusion] Hence, there is no God (Sober, 109) The first premise is the definition of what God would be if he were to exist. That is a being that has the power to do anything, had knowledge of everything throughout the span of time and is in all ways good. The second premise is created with the first premise in mind. To expand on the second premise i t states, if God were all-powerful he could stop any form of evil from happening, if he is all knowing then he has knowledge of when evil will occur and if he is all-good then God would stop all evil from happening. If god cannot stop all evil from happening then the definition of God must be incorrect. He then must not be powerful enough to stop all evil, and/or he doesn’t know when evil until it has already occurred and/or good is not all good in that God does not wish to stop all evils. The third premise is stating the fact that there is evil in the world. The conclusion derived since that there is evil, then is what may be defined as God must be lacking in one or two of his qualities and therefore God, by definition, does not exist at all. In order for God to be compatible with evil, God must only allow the evils that would, in turn, lead to a greater amount of good and must take the route that leads to the least amount of evil to gain the greatest amount of good. The soul building defense was created in mind that evil and God co-exist in our world. The defense is that without any evil in the world, our souls would not nurture, or, understand the concept of evil. This defense does not hold true because there has been many evils in the world that seem unacceptable, even though it may have been for the purpose of soul building. God, and all-good being, would then only allow the evils that are essential in soul-building. This would only mean that evil that man commits against man. The reason for this is because anything that happens in nature exceeds soul-building essentials. Another defense is God having given us free will, humans ultimately are the causes of this evil. That is true but the common objection to this is that human do more than enough evil to ourselves, it is going too far to have God throw tornados, volcanic eruptions, and hurricanes at us too. At what point do human have such control over nature. The last defense is that God simply works in mysterious ways. Who can explain why natural events take so many lives and injure many others or why some children have to go through great deals of suffering and live through it? It is God’s way and ultimately, no matter how incomprehensible the evil is, it is for the greater good. Certainly the question to God’s existence has been pondered upon by philosophers for over a very long period of time with no progress as whether God exists or not. The ontological argument created by Anselm withstood a great deal of criticism until it was disproved by Kant over 600 years after the fact.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on A Masterpiece From a Masterpiece

â€Å"When he wielded a sword, no matter how blooded and hard-edged the blade his hand was too strong, the stroke he dealt (I have learned) would ruin it. He could reap no advantage† (Heaney 181). The epic poem Beowulf translated by Seamus Heaney tells the story of a hero named Beowulf, who rids the Danes of many monsters. This Anglo-Saxon story has become one of the most important Old English pieces. Throughout the epic, the Anglo-Saxon story teller uses many elements to build a certain depth to the characters. One of the many themes of the story is Biblical against Paganistic. Throughout history, this book has been translated many times, however, the themes of the book have for the most part stayed the same. Through time the rewriting and touching up by various sources causes the characters to portray more Christian characteristics. Seamus Heaney uses both Biblical and Paganistic views throughout the story to describe certain things. Grendel is Biblically and Paganistically described in this excerpt: So times were pleasant for the people there until finally one, a fiend out of hell, began to work his evil in the world. Grendel was the name of this grim demon haunting the marches, marauding round the heath and the desolate fens; he had dwelt for a time in misery among the banished monsters, Cain’s clan whom the Creator had outlawed And condemned as outcasts. For the killing of Abel The Eternal Lord had exacted a price:†¦(Heaney 9) The Biblical reference in the epic serves to give the reader an idea of the extent of Grendel’s evil declared to him because of the past. The Paganistic views are used to help the reader by trying to give a logical explanation for Grendel’s murderous behavior. This type of writing is exhibited well within the whole book. In this the epic poem there are many characters introduced. There are three dynasties from which of the characters come from: the Danes, the Geats, and the Swedes. Al... Free Essays on A Masterpiece From a Masterpiece Free Essays on A Masterpiece From a Masterpiece â€Å"When he wielded a sword, no matter how blooded and hard-edged the blade his hand was too strong, the stroke he dealt (I have learned) would ruin it. He could reap no advantage† (Heaney 181). The epic poem Beowulf translated by Seamus Heaney tells the story of a hero named Beowulf, who rids the Danes of many monsters. This Anglo-Saxon story has become one of the most important Old English pieces. Throughout the epic, the Anglo-Saxon story teller uses many elements to build a certain depth to the characters. One of the many themes of the story is Biblical against Paganistic. Throughout history, this book has been translated many times, however, the themes of the book have for the most part stayed the same. Through time the rewriting and touching up by various sources causes the characters to portray more Christian characteristics. Seamus Heaney uses both Biblical and Paganistic views throughout the story to describe certain things. Grendel is Biblically and Paganistically described in this excerpt: So times were pleasant for the people there until finally one, a fiend out of hell, began to work his evil in the world. Grendel was the name of this grim demon haunting the marches, marauding round the heath and the desolate fens; he had dwelt for a time in misery among the banished monsters, Cain’s clan whom the Creator had outlawed And condemned as outcasts. For the killing of Abel The Eternal Lord had exacted a price:†¦(Heaney 9) The Biblical reference in the epic serves to give the reader an idea of the extent of Grendel’s evil declared to him because of the past. The Paganistic views are used to help the reader by trying to give a logical explanation for Grendel’s murderous behavior. This type of writing is exhibited well within the whole book. In this the epic poem there are many characters introduced. There are three dynasties from which of the characters come from: the Danes, the Geats, and the Swedes. Al...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Building Restoration

Advantages and Disadvantages of Building Restoration Using examples explore the advantages and disadvantages of allowing redevelopment and reconstruction of historic buildings. For the purposes of this discussion it is primarily important to determine what is meant by historic and to rationalize the terms redevelopment and reconstruction. The terms will be used in the context of preserving and conserving buildings. This includes maintaining their predominant features and characteristics, whilst enhancing new features in keeping with the style and building constraints relating to traditional use of materials and resources. According to English Heritage buildings exist across the UK that span over a thousand years. They also work with the Department of Culture, Media and Sport and local authorities to allocate buildings such as these according to their criteria for listing – or categorizing for the purposes of their historic importance. These are identified using the following criteria: Those having architectural interest: bu ildings which are nationally important for the interest of their architectural design, decoration and craftsmanship; also important examples of particular building types and techniques. Those deemed of historic interest: this includes buildings which illustrate important aspects of the nation’s social, economic, cultural or military history. A variety of places that have a close historical association with nationally important buildings or events. Places which have group value, especially where buildings are part of an important architectural or historic group or are a fine example of planning (such as squares, terraces and model villages) [1] English Heritage define historic in relation to a number of factors. All buildings constructed before 1700 are automatically listed. Similarly this is the case with most properties up to 1840. A number of post 1945 buildings are also included in these terms. A comprehensive breakdown of listed buildings statistics across the UK is illustrated below: 38% are domestic dwellings 15% date from before 1600 nearly 20% date from the 17th century 31% from the 18th century 32% from the 19th century 3% from 1900-1944 0.2% from 1945 or later [2] Introducing conventional features can have negative consequences on properties such as those defined above. Not only for cosmetic or domestic purposes but also in relation to implementing safety measures into a property. and accessibility by way of lifts and hand rails etc for the benefit of people with disabilities. There is also a trend for interpreting properties of historical interest into entertainment or ‘edutainment’ orientated experiences which can be argued devalues the historic importance and often encourages historical inaccuracy from the learning perspective. The final consideration to be made in relation to this essay question is the notion of whether old buildings should remain preserved exactly as they are without any enhancement, improvements, additions or restorations. That they should reflect the period they were constructed in and be immortalized as a historical or scientific study. This paper will seek to exemplify many of these issues relating to the redevelopment and reconstruction of historic buildings which covers a broad argument for discussion. The English Tourist Board published a paper in 1991 entitled ‘Maintaining the Balance’ which proposed new schemes designed to ensure that historic town environments worked in sync with their communities whilst providing the visitor with a traditional experience. Visitor Management Plans were adopted and Town Centre Managers were recruited as means of taking these initiatives forward. The conservation and preservation of built heritage often involves maintaining tight restrictions and limited planning opportunities which is not conducive to new housing projects or business opportunities which could generate enterprise and economic benefits. Inste ad many of the UK’s classified historic towns remain stagnant and non progressive. [3] Similarly there are currently plans to renovate and restore the city centre of Amsterdam in keeping with its cultural heritage. The city centre is divided by two groups of residents. One enjoys the aesthetic benefits of living in this area, while the second are simply living centrally for the purposes of work and being close to amenities. This second group is unconcerned with the historical importance of the city and is not prepared to invest in maintaining or developing it as such. Often when areas such as this are under preservation orders high costs are incurred for maintenance and renovation in the style accustomed to the period. This in turn raises the rents of properties which become too high for existing residents to afford, eventually forcing them out of their homes, as is feared in Amsterdam. [4]

Saturday, November 2, 2019

EU Regulatory Directives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

EU Regulatory Directives - Essay Example The directive covers ten categories of electronic and electrical equipment which may be sold within the EU and abroad. Townsend (2011, p. 587) illustrates that the compatibilities which electronic and electrical equipment must comply with include designing equipment during the production process in a manner which facilitates reuse, repair, recycling and disassembly. This compatibility is guided by the WEEE’s principle of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). The major goal of the directive is described by Vaisvila and Vaicikonis (2006, p. 43) as the minimization of the disposal of unsorted municipal refuse or waste and thus facilitate the achievement of a separated WEEE collection. Additionally the directive provides that the management systems within electrical and electronic industries must be designed and organized both in individual basis and collectively so that the directive is not violated by these industries. Hidy, et al. (2011, p. 990) add that apart for provision o f recycling and recovery targets, the WEE directives provides that export of electronic and electrical equipment can only be achieved through compliance with the WEEE directive. Furthermore the directive provides that manufacturers of this equipment must take responsibility for the costs associated with the picking of waste from the collection centers and also for the processes of refurbishing the equipment in readiness for reuse or recycling. Quinnell (2005, p. 71) explains that the large appliances which are used in households such as washing machines and refrigerators are covered by the WEEE directive. Small appliances such as hair dryers, vacuum cleaners and toasters are also provided for. Moreover, IT equipment such as computers and their accessories, calculators and mobile phones are covered by the WEEE directive. The disposal of stereos, radios and TVs are also covered under the consumer equipment category. Other equipment covered by the directive include toys and leisure equ ipment, lighting equipment, electronic and electrical goods such as saws and drills, medical and monitoring devices and appliances. Moreover the WEEE directive covers automatic dispensers such as coffee dispensers within its regulations as illustrated by Townsend (2011, p. 605). This means that the manufacture and dealing in these categories of equipment within the European Union must adhere to the WEE directives as it is provided within the European law. Enforcing the WEE Directive within the UK Yoshida and Yoshida (2010, 21) points out that the member states within the European Union are responsible for enforcing the WEEE directive. This means that the European Union member states are mandated to enforce the directive within their boundaries. Hidy, et al. (2011, p. 994) explain that the enforcement of the directive is achieved through the adoption of effective monitoring and inspection systems. These systems must be implemented by the member countries and thus applied in ensuring that manufactures and exporters of electrical and electronic appliances meet the requirement of the directive. Additionally, the member states of the union are responsible for imposition and execution of penalties on producers and retailers who fail to comply with the legal provisions of the WEEE directive. WEE Within the USA According to Hristev (2006, p. 62), within the US the enforcement o